About Us

We're one of the independent small guys. We design and have made high quality products that look great and really work.
Dogs Live Here is part of the Floppy Ears Design family. Floppy Ears products are our products.
We've been designing, testing and making product since 2010.
We come from designing amd making product for both the Pet and Outdoor industries. The lessons tatooed on us (not literally) is that while it's important for products to look great, it's critical that those products really work - they what they are supposed to do - they're tough and

durable - and they last and last.
Our dogs and cats are very loved members of our family. But, living with four legged family members in our homes inevitably brings challeges. Our job is to help you mamage those challenges and ensure your dogs or cats are safe, secure, comortbable and happy. You too.
Our products for your and your pets are as much a part of your lifestyle and home decor as your pet is part of your family.